We learned about migration having into account some important concepts as the origins, history and important dates of migration in our society and others.
Also we emphasized in the fact of the brain drain, specially the ones that happens here in Latin America, because of the lack of opportunities and support from government to the education and many other factors.
In class this case and other related were discussed, taking into account the conflicts, consequences and issues that something like this can bring, also the image that the migrant has of another country as a opportunity to improving lifestyle for the migrant himself and the family. We talk also about the consequences for each country, the one that loses a citizen and the one that receives the migrant, evaluating every problem and discussing it. Some of these problems were the brain drain, remittances, the population increase, the decrease of the jobs.
What are the social or political impacts of migration to the cities?
There are a lot of impacts in those two issues and in several more, some of those impacts are positive and some negative. The key is to understand the impacts and manage it in the right way.
First we can analyzed the political impacts, because is important to show that there are more positive migrant policies in cities, but it has taken a long time. Migrants always try to achieve urban benefits and amenities like access to schools and housing, but the problem is with governments who don’t see this as possible as they want to.
Even though now is common to see a shift at the highest levels of government towards social policies addressing inequality and disparity. Differential treatment of migrants is now becoming to be a potentially explosive issue, because the migrant population is growing.
In the latest days there are growing up second-generation migrants, who are the younger migrants, they are studying and working searching a better future for them and their families. But is common to see that in the cities they are not treated in the same way as the local kids.
Gradually there have been small changes in all of those aspects and the positive policy changes have been happening slowly, because the principal importance for governments is the welfare of the citizens and the migrants who are also important citizens as well.
Governments must educate all the society to understand and respect the migrants, because everybody must know that they are human beans and deserve the same rights as the citizens.
- Stark O (1991), The migration of labor. Cambridge, Massachusetts/Oxford, England, Basil Blackwell.
- Douglas S. Massey, Joaquín Arango, Graeme Hugo, Ali Kouaouci, Adela Pellegrino, J. Edward Taylor (1998).Worlds in motion. understanding international migration at the end of the millennium. Oxford. Oxford University Press.
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